JAKARTA The man who abused a 2-year-old toddler to death at the Kalibata City Apartment has been named a suspect at the South Jakarta Metro Police. The perpetrator with the initials YA (31) has been proven to have committed violence against children and caused death. When the case was held, Tuesday, December 6, the South Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Ade Ary, revealed the perpetrator's heinous act that caused the victim to die.
I don't know what made YA dark his eyes so he had the heart to persecute the 2-year-old child many times, with various heinous methods.
The victim's wound, which was explained by the Police Chief at the press conference, clearly made anyone who heard it feel uncomfortable.
Yes, he is classified as sadistic, he commits violence against children who are still innocent, innocent. In fact, the victim clearly still needs love, especially since her mother is a widow.
Kombes Ade Ary said, the victim's skull was cracked on the left.
"The left skull repeated with a crack of 7.9 cm long, then on the victim's left leg there were bruises on the lower left side of the front side of 1.5x2cm 0.7x0.5 cm," Ade told reporters at the Jakarta Metro Police, Tuesday, December 5.
Ade again explained the chronology of the incident. He said, the incident began when Stefani, the victim's mother, entrusted her child to the perpetrator, YES. Because, said Kombes Ade, the widow of one child who works as a property salesperson, wants to meet her client.
Finally, the victim was entrusted to YES. The two of them (perpetrators and victims) played in Taman Kalibata, South Jakarta. However, continued Kombes Ade, the victim had said uncle group, meaning the victim informed the perpetrator that he was defecating (BAB).
"The victim was given the opportunity to play around in the apartment, after about 20 minutes. The victim conveyed to YA, an easy Uncle. This means telling that the victim was defecating," explained Ade.
Then the victim was taken into the perpetrator's apartment room to be cleaned.
"Because he took off his diapers or pampers in a bad way, finally the victim hit his head on the wall of the bathroom," he said.
After cleaning up, the victim was still crying until finally the perpetrator felt annoyed. YA also threw the tiny toddler at Kasur, but what happened fell on the floor and his head hit the floor again. Not only that, the perpetrator also stepped on the victim's feet.
"The victim was still crying, thrown by YA at Kasur. But the victim did not land on the bed but fell on the floor and it caused a second collision on the victim's head. Then the victim was lifted, yes, try to wake him up to calm him down. Because the victim was crying getting louder, the victim was slammed for the third time, hitting the victim's head again," he continued. As a result of the incident, the victim was unconscious. Then YA took the victim to the Tria Dipa hospital, South Jakarta.
YA finally contacted Stefani to report that his son was unconscious and was already in the hospital.
"He was taken to the hospital and handed the victim over to the hospital officer finally. YES, he left the victim alone, (but) he had contacted brother SS (Stefani)," he said.
After Stefani arrived at the hospital he was shocked to learn that his son was dead. Realizing something was wrong, Stefani immediately reported the Pancoran Police.
In less than 24 hours, the police moved quickly and secured the perpetrator at his home in Cibinong, Bogor.
"We took the victim to Fatmawati Hospital for a deep post-mortem. As a result, the victim's body was found with a skull on the left side with a crack with a length of 7.9 cm. Then on the left leg the victim had bruises on the lower left leg, the front side was 1.5x2cm 0.7x0.5 cm, then the victim's large brain contained blood vessels or bleeding under the brain membrane," explained Ade.
YA telah didugakan dengan Pasal 76 juncto 80 ayat 3 UU RI Nomor 35 Tahun 2014 tentang Perlindungan Anak dan Pasal 338 KUHP tentang secara sengaja menghilkan nyawa subsider 351 ayat 3 tentang Penganiahan Orang yang Menakibatkan Kematian Dunia dengan ancaman maksimal 15 tahun penjara.
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