Pull Fish Jala, Fishermen In Cilacap Instead Get A Woman's Body Without An Identity, Her Face Is Already Broken
Police officers conducted a crime scene investigation at the location where the woman's body was found in Cilacap/ Photo: Doc. Cilacap Police

CILACAP - A woman was found dead on the coast of Pagubugan Village, Binangun District, Cilacap Regency. The body of the unidentified woman was found by fishermen around the location.

"This body was found by fishermen when pulling the net," said Public Relations of the Cilacap Police, Iptu Gatot Tri Hartanto, in a written statement, Sunday, November 27.

Gatot said the discovery of the body was reported by fishermen to the Sector Police at around 23.00 WIB. When the fisherman was pulling the net that had previously been installed, the net felt heavy. It turned out that after being checked by the fisherman there was a body stuck in the net.

"The identity of the victim is not yet known. Characteristics of the victim wearing a purple-red BH, wearing white underwear with floral motifs, short straight hair, damaged face, and a height of approximately 150 centimeters. He is approximately 38 years old. And at this time the body is being identified. " explained Gatot.

Until now, the Cilacap Police are still conducting an investigation to reveal the cause of death of the woman's body.

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