JAKARTA - Members of the special team (Timsus) of the National Police who handled the premeditated murder case of Brigadier J, Aditya Cahya Sumunar, said that the CCTV DVR at the Police Complex security post, Duren Tiga, was important evidence to uncover the scenario of Brigadier J's death.
This testimony began when the public prosecutor (JPU) questioned the DVR at the security post containing the recording of the location of the incident. Aditya also agreed and said that the DVR found a recording showing the conditions in front of Ferdy Sambo's official residence.
"Ready, which in the end, after this case continues, we can still find evidence of footage from the direction of the security guard post leading to the gate of the crime scene," Aditya said during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Friday, November 25.
On the tape, there was activity in front of Ferdy Sambo's official residence before and after Brigadier J died from 16.00 to 18.00 WIB on July 8.
Hearing this statement, the prosecutor then asked whether the CCTV DVR was one of the important evidences in the investigation process.
The witness from this team member immediately disbanded it. According to him, the recording is one of the keys to actually breaking the facts.
Because, at the beginning of the case, it was stated that Brigadier J was killed in a shootout with Bharada Richard totaling alias E.
"I asked the witness, in the CCTV DVR footage that you mentioned earlier, was it a hint of an event so the recording was very important?" asked the prosecutor.
"Because it is very important evidence," said Aditya.
"From the beginning, this case was reported to have been shot, even though at that time the footage showed that when FS arrived at the house Yosua was still seen back and forth in front of the house," he continued.
"What the witness explained is very important, is the recording between the victim Yosua and FS, right?" said the prosecutor.
"Ready," said Aditya.
Aditya Cahya Sumunar was originally presented as a witness in the trial of the alleged case of obstructing the investigation or obstruction of justice of Brigadier J's premeditated murder with the defendant Arif Rachman Arifin.
In this case, Arif Rachman Arifin was charged with obstructing the process of investigating the murder case of Brigadier J. He is said to have played a role in breaking a laptop containing a copy of CCTV footage around Ferdy Sambo's house.
With this role, he is suspected of violating Article 49 in conjunction with Article 33 of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.
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