It Deserves To Be Taken Into Account, The Procurement Of Free Elementary And Junior High School Uniforms In Tanjungpinang Kepri Is Involved In Local Defenders
Illustration. SMPN 1 Wamena students play in the school yard. (ANTARA-HO Ministry of Social Affairs)

KEPRI - The Tanjungpinang City Government still involves local tailors for the procurement of elementary and junior high school uniforms.

Regional Secretary Tanjungpinang Zulhidayat said the local tailor was part of dozens of micro, small and medium enterprise groups (MSMEs).

"There are about 40 MSME groups that we involve. One group consists of 5-10 tailors," said Zulhidayat in Tanjungpinang, Riau Islands (Kepri), quoted from Antara, Tuesday, November 16.

He revealed that free school uniforms are annual programs. The assistance began three years ago.

The assistance provided was in the form of red and white uniforms, blue white uniforms, batik clothes and brackets.

Assistance is only given to new students in elementary and junior high schools. The number of new students is around 2,000 people in Tanjungpinang.

"So the local tailor sews the school uniform," he said.

In addition to the assistance, he said, students also received assistance in the form of sports clothes and educational equipment. Sports clothes were purchased from Bandung because the tools used were different from sewing other school uniforms.

"The value of assistance provided annually is around Rp. 8 billion, partly for school uniforms," he said.

Zulhidayat said that the procurement of school uniforms since 2021 has been running smoothly, different from 2020.

Local fans may not believe they were involved in the procurement of school uniforms so that at that time they did not want to spend business capital.

"This policy is different from other regions. For other regions, it does not involve local tailors," he said.

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