Check 10 Witnesses, The Police Are Investigating The Ambrol Case The Roof Of Gunung Kidul Elementary School At The End Of 1 Student Who Died
Illustration of the police line at the scene of the crime, aka TKP. (ANTARA-Kornelis Kaha)

YOGYAKARTA - Yogyakarta Special Region Police (DIY) confirmed that the case of the collapse of the roof of Muhammadiyah Bogor Elementary School, in Gunung Kidul Regency was investigated. The incident caused a elementary school student to die.

This was conveyed by the Yogyakarta Regional Police Chief Inspector General Suwondo Nainggolan after meeting with Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X at the Kepatihan Complex, Yogyakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, November 9.

"Every incident must have a process of finding information, packaged in the language of investigation to find out what the incident was like. Surely it will be searched for," he said.

According to Suwondo, the investigation of the case is currently fully handed over to the ranks of the Gunung Kidul Police.

"The research (investigation) was submitted to the Gunung Kidul Police for its steps," he said.

However, continued Suwondo, if the criminal element in the case is not fulfilled, it will not be continued to the investigation stage.

"You have to state first, it's a crime or not, if it's not a crime, then he won't go up to the investigation stage," he said.

Previously, the roof of one of the buildings at Muhammadiyah Bogor Elementary School, Playen District, Gunungkidul Regency, DIY collapsed on Tuesday, November 8 at around 07.00 WIB.

The collapse of the roof of the elementary school building hit a number of students in the room.

Of the 12 students who were victims of the collapse of the roof of the building, one of them with the initials FA (12) died on Tuesday, November 8, 2022 night.

Gunung Kidul Police examined 10 witnesses for the collapse of the roof of the Muhammadiyah Bogor Elementary School, Playen, Gunung Kidul Regency.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Gunungkidul Police, AKP Mahardian Dewo Negoro, explained that the 10 witnesses came from schools, committees, contractors, and so far no one has been named as suspects.

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