Riau Islands UMRAH Lists 261 Academic Copyright, Including Gasing Games For The Materials For Teaching Junior High School Students
Games. (Antarananews)

KEPRI - The Intellectual Property Rights Center of Raja Ali Haji Maritime University (HKI UMRAH) has proposed copyright to hundreds of academic works from 2021 to 2022.

The chairman of the UMRAH HKI, Lia Nuraini, said that as many as 261 UMRAH academic works submitted in 2021 to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights have received copyright certificates.

This year, the UMRAH HKI Center registered around 140 academic works to obtain copyright from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The registered academic works include books, articles, journals, learning videos, applications aka software or databases.

"In 2021, UMRAH will receive an award as the education institution that registers the most copyrights," he said in Tanjung Pinang, quoted from Antara, Sunday, November 6.

Deputy Dean II of the UMRAH Education Sciences Faculty, Ahada Wahyusari, recently received a copyright certificate regarding the game of gasing as a local wisdom-based teaching material for junior high school students in Lingga Regency, Riau Islands.

Gasing is a people's game, which needs to be preserved. Inovation of the game of gas is also able to improve students' ability to absorb lessons.

"We named this learning media Rolling Ball Maze. This media is to create an interesting and fun learning process for students. In addition, this media helps Indonesian language subjects teachers to provide a different learning atmosphere than before," he said.

Ahada revealed that FKIP UMRAH seeks to raise local wisdom as an effective and fun learning medium for students. In line with that, local wisdom after innovating for educational purposes needs to be protected by the state through intellectual property rights.

The Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights groups the protection period of creation, namely the protection of copyright for life creators + 70 years, computer programs: 50 years since it was first published, 50 years of perpetrators since it was first performed, 50 years of recording producers since creation were fictitized, and 20-year broadcasters since it was first broadcast.

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