The DPRD Supports Students In Bandung To School On Bike, No Cars To Acquire
Photo by Weiya Tan on Unsplash

JAKARTA - The Bandung City DPRD said the Bike to School program initiated by the Bike To Work Community was needed to reduce congestion.

Bandung City DPRD member Agus Andi Setyawan during the Hello Bike Festival 2022 activity in Bandung, said that the pick-up of students by their parents to school was a contributor to the volume of vehicles on the road.

In addition, he assessed that the city of Bandung was getting busier by the bustle of community activities after the COVID-19 pandemic.

"If the days are extraordinary, because the school children are escorted by their parents, use a motorbike, yes, including I also use a vehicle between children, it will automatically be crowded," he said, Saturday, November 5, as reported by Antara.

However, the program must also be supported by the Bandung City Government with facilities and facilities so that the safety of school children on the streets can be guaranteed.

So far, according to him, in the city of Bandung, there have been special bicycle lanes on a number of arterial routes. However, during peak hours, the bicycle lane is often used by motorized vehicles because of the heavy traffic.

"I also saw cycling in the morning was quite a hassle, we have to find a solution, regarding the facilities provided to cyclists," he said.

In addition to reducing congestion, according to him, the movement needs to be cultured because it can also improve public health by exercising.

Head of the Bike to Work Community Wildan Fachdiansyah said the Bike to School movement would be targeted for junior high school students. The movement is planned to be implemented in early 2023.

"That's why we will form a culture, so by cultivating cycling for school-age children, we hope that habit becomes a good habit until we get carried away," he said.

That way, he hopes, the children who are used to using bicycles will also not ask their parents to buy a vehicle when they go up to high school.

According to him, the cycling movement for the community is also a solution to reduce air pollution in the city of Bandung due to the use of motorized vehicles.

"In terms of briefing, we give it, technically we also give it, we hope that these younger siblings can be independent to go to school alone," he said.

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