Mrs. Brigadier J Tanya Strong Ma'ruf: What Is Your Relationship With Putri Candrawathi?
Defendant Putri Candrawathi (Irfan Meidianto-VOI)

JAKARTA - Mrs. Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J, Rosti Simanjuntak questioned Ma'ruf's strong relationship with Putri Candrawati. This is because the defendant's indictment had influenced Ferdy Sambo's wife.

Originally, Strong Ma'ruf was said to have asked Putri Candrawati to report the Magelang incident to Ferdy Sambo. In fact, the incident, which was referred to as an act of harassment, has not been proven true.

"What's wrong with you and Putri is Strong Ma'ruf? Who is your Princess? Until you press, I'm just a small person who can't manage, let alone someone's wife," Rosti said in court, Wednesday, November 2.

In addition, Rosti also hopes that Ma'ruf's Strong words can be accounted for. This means that his words are not only on the lips

"In this case, Strong Ma'ruf, a very great scenario, is extraordinary. You know everything, you even want more than my son's death. So you and your friends, FS and Putri, are both extraordinary scenarios. Lie, apologize after my son died in the hands of all of you," said Rosti.

"If you apologize on your lips, it's easy, but prove your apology, especially in front of God. Are you satisfied? What crime is hidden? Sorry Your Majesty, this is where I can express, Strong with Putri, so strong," he added.

Not only that, Rosti also asked the panel of judges to convict all defendants as fairly as possible.

Strong Ma'ruf did not apologize. He only expressed his condolences and stated that he was not involved in planning the murder.

"My condolences for the death of the late Yosua and may the late Yosua be accepted by God Almighty and the extended family to be given fortitude and patience," said Strong Ma'ruf.

Then, Strong Ma'ruf also believes that all the charges directed at him are not true. Because, there was no intention whatsoever of him to be involved in Brigadier J's series of premeditated murder.

"Let the court process determine whether my actions are wrong or not," he said.

"Because for God's sake I have no intention as charged to me," continued Strongly.

For information, Strong Ma'ruf is a defendant in the murder case of Brigadier J. He is considered to have a role in assisting planning.

So, with his involvement, Strong Ma'ruf was charged with violating Article 340 subsidiary 338 of the Criminal Code junto Article 55 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

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