Formary Class Roofs, Hundreds Of Students Of Equitable Elementary Schools In Jember Were Closed
Photo via Antara

JAKARTA - The teaching and learning activities (KBM) of hundreds of students at SDN 02 Gugut in Gugut Village, Jember Regency, East Java had to be closed. This is because a number of roofs of classrooms collapsed and could no longer be used for learning activities.

"We were forced to cancel learning activities because we were still cleaning the roof of the collapsed classroom," said Head of SDN 02 Gugut, Sucipto in Jember, Wednesday, October 26.

The roof of a number of rooms at SDN Gugut in Gugut Village, Rambi Puji District, Jember Regency collapsed after heavy rains in the local area on Tuesday, October 25 afternoon.

According to him, there are three rooms whose roof collapsed, namely one laboratory that was used to store drumband equipment and two classrooms, so that a total of three rooms were damaged.

"Initially the children went to school today but they passed around the roof of the collapsed classroom which was being cleaned, so we asked permission to the Education Office to send students away for just one day," he said.

He said the two classrooms whose roofs collapsed were indeed fragile and aged, and had not even been repaired for a long time, so when it rained heavily, the roof collapsed easily.

"Alhamdulillah, there were no casualties in the collapsed roof of the classroom because it occurred on Tuesday (25/10) afternoon, but the three rooms could not be used," he said, quoted by Antara.

The school, he continued, had reported the collapse of the classroom to the Jember Education Office and was promised that it would receive a repair allocation in 2023.

"As long as there has been no improvement, dozens of 6A and 6B grade students whose classrooms are damaged will study in emergency rooms, namely in Student Health Units (UKS) and libraries measuring 3x3 meters," he said.

The total number of students at SDN 2 Gugut is 306 students, while the number of students in grades 6A and 6B who will take part in emergency learning activities is 48 students, said Sucipto.

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