Minister Of PPPA: Women's Participation Is Key To National Competitiveness

NUSA DUA - The Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) Bintang Puspayoga emphasized that women's participation in development is the key to economic growth and national competitiveness.

"Women's participation in development, including in the economic sector is the key to growth and will increase economic growth and national competitiveness," she said in her remarks at the G20 Ministerial Conference on Women's Empowerment (MCWE) at Sofitel Nusa Dua, Beach Resort, Bali, Wednesday, 24 August.

But unfortunately, she said, many working women are also burdened with additional parenting responsibilities, thus making women's progress backwards.

"In this situation, it may be necessary to focus on coordinated and concrete policies that can brake the gender gap to remove barriers to gender stereotypes and provide access to women's participation, including in the digital world," he said.

Therefore, the Minister of PPPA hopes that through the G20 MCWE, global collaboration can be formed so that dual economic growth will be more inclusive and sustainable.

Minister Bintang believes, with all the experiences of all delegates attending this conference, they can produce recommendations that can be followed up to be brought to the meeting of the G20 leaders.

"This way we can ensure gender bias and women's empowerment are integrated into the commitments of the G20 leaders," he said.

Previously, Minister Bintang said that the government had put a great commitment in empowering women, especially in the economic sector.

As the results of the World Economic Forum discussion in January 2020, it was stated that women's empowerment is the key to increasing a nation's income, and will determine the progress of the country.

"Works to empower women in the economy and support the expansion of access for women, of course, need to be encouraged, to lead us all to achieve equal, just and prosperous development," he said.

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