Ministry Of Health: Symptoms Of Mild Monkeypox, People Are Asked To Remain Calm
Spokesman for the Ministry of Health, Mohammad Syahril (photo: doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Ministry of Health, Mohammad Syahril, asked the public to remain calm amid the discovery of monkeypox cases in Indonesia. Because the symptoms of this disease are relatively mild. "This monkeypox is not too seriously ill, so that we can calm down, even if we compare it with COVID-19, it's far, yes, COVID-19 is very severe, for that we are calm with the intention that actually smallpox This monkey can heal itself, it's a self-limiting disease," Syahril said at an online press conference, Jakarta, Saturday, August 20. He added that monkeypox has an incubation period of 21-28 days and usually patients will recover on their own as long as the patient has no comorbidities. or suffering from additional infections. "If the patient has no comorbidities, is not immunocompromised and there are no other weights, God willing, this patient can actually recover on his own," he said, as quoted by Antara. the number of patients dying is very small, only about one percent of all patients.

"From the world report data, from 39,700 earlier, there were 400 who died, that's only about 1 percent, so it's very small, far compared to COVID, which sometimes reaches 10 percent to 15 percent, yes, it's very high," he said. Monkeypox patients who are treated in hospitals do not require negative pressure isolation rooms like COVID-19 patients. So far, the government has made various efforts to prevent the spread of monkeypox, namely by detecting, preventing and educating the public.

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