Gus Yaqut: Ansor-Banser Cadres Must Have Big Aspirations For Indonesia
Chairman of the Central Leadership (PP) Youth Movement (GP) Ansor Yaqut Cholil Qoumas (Gus Yaqut). (ANTARA/HO-Humas Youth Movement (GP) Ansor)/ANTARA

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Central Leadership (PP) of the Youth Movement (GP) Ansor Yaqut Cholil Qoumas (Gus Yaqut) emphasized and reminded all Ansor and Banser cadres to have big aspirations for the glory and future of Indonesia.

"To all Ansor cadres, wherever you are, you must always have big aspirations," said Chairman of PP GP Ansor Gus Yaqut in a written statement received in Jakarta, Antara, Friday, August 19.

This was conveyed by Gus Yaqut during the inauguration of the Chair of the North Sumatra Ansor Regional Leadership (PW) Adlin Tambunan and the 2019-2023 Solemnity Committee at the Del Laguboti Institute of Technology, Toba Regency, North Sumatra Province.

He said Ansor and Banser cadres must have big hearts and must not be cowards and must be willing to sacrifice anything. In addition, the cadres should not be greedy.

"A cadre with a big heart is definitely not greedy and likes to share with others," said Gus Yaqut, who is also the Minister of Religion.

He appealed to the cadres not to be easily provoked and hurt when they are blasphemed or get bullied.

"The Ansor and Banser cadres are not easily offended. Ansor and Banser will never fall even if they are bullied and do not fly if they are praised," he said.

The cadres are advised to maintain the house of worship because it is the same as protecting Indonesia, he explained.

"Hold on to this and I'm sure no matter how big your goals are and no matter how difficult the obstacles are, we'll definitely get through them," he said.

In addition, Gus Yaqut asked the newly appointed management including all PW Ansor in Indonesia to serve and continue to grow the organization.

"Remember you are the administrators and the administrator is taking care of the cadres and members," he said.

He added that the picture of the future Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) is the picture of Ansor today. If Ansor is not right now, then NU will not be right in the future. Therefore, as NU cadres, Ansor and Banser must always stay on track.

"Because, since birth NU was intended for Indonesia. NU was born for the independence and glory of Indonesia," he said.

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