Sensitive Issue Must Be Guarded About The Motive For The Murder Of Brigadier J And Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's Confession Through A Letter
Inspector General Ferdy Sambo/DOC ANTARA

JAKARTA - What is the motive for the premeditated murder of Brigadier Joshua Hutabarat or Brigadier J in the spotlight or a very important question. This question emerged in the public, one of which was through social media timelines after Inspector General Ferdy Sambo was named a suspect in the premeditated murder of Brigadier J.

As if sticking with his stance did not reveal the motive behind Brigadier J's murder to the public. Twice the same reason has been given regarding this matter.

The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, said that the Bhayangkara Corps guarded the feelings of all parties involved in the case, both Inspector General Ferdy Sambo and Brigadier J.

"For the motive, the feelings of both parties must be guarded, both from Brigadier Joshua and from brother FS," said Dedi to reporters, Thursday, August 11.

Even Inspector General Dedi quoted the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD as saying the motive behind the case was very sensitive. Therefore, it is said that the matter of the motive can only be heard by adults.

"The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs has also conveyed that because this is a sensitive issue, it will be opened up in court," said Dedi.

According to him, if the motive for the murder was directly exposed to the public, it would lead to a different image in society. Therefore, it was decided not to be released to the public.

“At the trial, if for example it is consumed by the public, then different images will arise. Therefore, the investigation material and everything will be tested at the trial, God willing, it will be presented at the trial, "said Dedi.

This statement from the National Police Headquarters was delivered at noon, Thursday, August 11. A few hours later, an open letter appeared from Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, the former Head of the Profession and Security Division Police. Apologizing is the first point conveyed by Putri Chandrawathi's husband.

"Allow me as a human being who cannot be separated from mistakes, sincerely apologize and apologize profusely, especially to my colleagues from the National Police and their families and the wider community who were affected by my actions that provided incorrect information, and sparked a polemic in the Duren Tiga case that happened to me and my family," said Arman, reading Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's message, Thursday, August 11.

Through the letter, Ferdy Sambo also apologized to the Indonesian National Police, especially the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. The National Police Chief previously announced that Ferdy Sambo was the suspect in the premeditated murder of Brigadier J, complete with the alleged scenario to eliminate criminal acts.

"To the institution that I am proud of, the National Police, and in particular to the Chief of the National Police, who I greatly respect, I apologize and in particular to my colleagues from the Police who were directly affected by this case, I apologize, once again I apologize for the various interpretations and presentations. information that is dishonest and injures the public's trust in the Polri institution," continued Inspector General Sambo in an open letter.

Through the open letter, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo at the same time stated that he was ready to take responsibility.

"I will comply with every legal process that is currently underway and I will be responsible for it in court," said Inspector General Ferdy Sambo in an open letter as read out in full by his attorney, Arman Hanis.




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