Pemalang-Batang Toll Road Land Dispute Case, Batang Persilakan District Court With Mediation Dispute
The trial of the lawsuit for land disputes and disputes over the construction of the Batang-Pemalang Toll Road, Tuesday, August 9. (Between)

SEMARANG - The trial of the lawsuit for land disputes and disputes in the construction of the Pemalang-Batang toll road (Pemalang-Batang Tol Road) took place at the Batang Regency District Court on Tuesday 9 August.

Plaintiff Masriyah, with three defendants, namely the Batang Regency National Land Agency, the Batang-Pemalang Toll Commitment Officer, and PT PBTR, attended the trial.

In the middle of the trial, the Chief Judge of the Batang Meilia District Court, Christina Mulyaningrum, invited the defendant and the plaintiff to mediate in this case.

"We invite the defendant and the plaintiff to mediate before this case is continued," he said, according to Antara.

Public Relations of Batang District Court Harry Suryawan added that someone filed a lawsuit to the court because their rights were violated.

However, with the entry of the lawsuit, of course, it will begin with a mediation process in accordance with Supreme Court Regulation Number 1 of 2016 concerning Mediation Procedures in Court.

"So this mediation is a means of finding a solution for the plaintiff and the defendant. So, there is no winner or loser, there is a mutual victory if there is a peace agreement," he said.

However, he continued, if there is no peace agreement, the case will be continued.

"Therefore, the panel of judges is still waiting for the results of the report from the mediator. This mediation can be taken for 30 working days and can be extended for another 30 days if there are indications of peace," he said.

Harry Suryawan said if there was a deadlock in mediation before 30 working days, the mediator would report to the assembly that the mediation process failed and the case would be continued.

"So, we are still waiting from the mediator whether the mediation process was successful or not. If the mediation is successful then the case is not continued, the option is whether the plaintiff will withdraw his lawsuit or the peace agreement will be made with a peace deed," he said.

The plaintiff's attorney Moch Maizun Chozien said his client was demanding compensation for the land that had been used as the Batang-Pemalang toll road.

"So, the client's land area is 800.01 square meters affected by the toll road construction in 2016. However, until now our client has not received the compensation money," he said.

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