Kompolnas Directly Monitors The Trial Of Mas Bechi Defendant Of Sexual Abuse Of Jombang Santriwati
Commissioner of National Police, Poengky Indarti /PHOTO: AM Sby-VOI

SURABAYA - The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) is directly monitoring the trial of the sexual abuse of female students at Ponpes Siddiqiyyah Jombang, with the defendant Subchi Azal Tsani (MSAT) or Mas Bechi. This time the trial has an interim decision.

"Actually, we have been following this case from the start. We have been monitoring the process since the summons of the accused to the arrest by the East Java Police," said National Police Commissioner Poengky Indarti at the Surabaya District Court, Monday, August 8.

Poengky said he had followed this case from the start. According to him, Kompolnas will continue to maintain justice and encourage the implementation and fair trial process. Including, he said, the judicial process that protects victims of sexual harassment.

"We jointly carry out surveillance so that there is a deterrent effect and it does not happen again in Indonesia, we are jointly carrying out this campaign," he said.

Regarding the results of the trial and the course of the trial, Kompolnas submits all the results of the trial decisions to the Panel of Judges. Asked about the result of the interim decision, Poengky kept silent.

Poengky said he did not want to comment much on today's interim decision. This is because all the results and proceedings of the trial are submitted to the Supreme Court. "We support the implementation of a fair trial process. As for the decision, the exception is rejected," he said.

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