Komnas HAM Checks Bharada E And All Adjutant General Inspector Ferdi Sambo Today
Komnas HAM Commissioner Mohammad Choirul Anam/DOK PHOTO: Rizky Adytia-VOI

JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) will examine Bharada E who is suspected of shooting Brigadier J in the police shooting case today, Tuesday, July 26.

In addition to Bharada E, Komnas HAM will also examine all aid de camps (ADCs) or aides from the inactive Head of the National Police Propam Division Inspector General Pol Ferdy Sambo.

"The agenda is to call for information from the ADC from Inspector General Sambo, (including Bharada E)," Anam told reporters on Monday, July 25. Based on the agenda, Bharada E and other aides to Inspector General Ferdi Sambo will be questioned at 10.00 WIB. However, Anam has not been able to provide details regarding what information will be extracted from Bharada E. Anam requested that all parties who will be questioned today be present so that the case of the police shooting the police find a bright spot. "We hope that all of them can come to Komnas HAM to fulfill the request," said Anam.

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