Form Of Protest For Free Promotion Of Muhammad-Maria Drinks At Hollywings, GP Ansor DKI Will Convoy
Youth Movement (GP) Ansor DKI Jakarta area (Rizky AP/VOI)

JAKARTA - The Ansor Youth Movement (GP) for the DKI Jakarta area plans to hold a convoy around the Hollywings cafe location. The convoy is said to be a form of protest against Hollywings' promotion of free alcoholic beverages to owners of Muhammad's name.

"We will convoy with Ansor and Banser DKI Jakarta cadres to ensure that there is no more blasphemy or maybe we don't know, even though it has been removed, we don't know what happened inside (Hollywings, ed)," said Deputy Chairperson of the Regional Leadership. GP Ansor DKI Jakarta, Sofyan Hadi, told reporters, Friday, June 24.

The plan, the convoy will be carried out today. The action points will be in all Hollywings cafes starting from Gatot Subroto, Senayan to Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK).

In the convoy later, Sofyan made sure it would not be anarchic. In fact, it didn't even go to the entertainment venues that night.

"Later this afternoon after Friday we will consolidate to determine which point we will convoy together. God willing, it won't be anarchic, just convoy. It won't be raided. Hopefully there won't be any raids," he said.

Regarding the convoy permit, his party has made a convoy notification to the Police. Thus, the action will be carried out according to the rules.

On the other hand, Sofyan also said that he had tried to make a police report regarding the Hollywings promo to the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit. However, the report was rejected on the grounds that there were already other reporters who reported the same thing at Polda Metro Jaya.

The reason for the report was because Hollywings used Muhammad's name in its promo. In fact, the name is the pride of Muslims. "My report was not accepted because there was another reporter," said Sofyan.

For information, Hollywings Indonesia has been reported to Polda Metro Jaya. The report relates to the alleged blasphemy of a ruthless promo of freeing alcoholic beverages to the owners of the names Muhammad and Maria.

The report has also been received by the Jata Metro Police. The report was registered with LP/B/3135/VI/2022/SPKT/Polda Metro Jaya, dated June 24, 2022. Thus, the management of Holywings Indonesia is suspected of violating Article 156 A of the Criminal Code and Article 28 A paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 45 Paragraph 2 of the ITE Law.

Holywings Indonesia issued a promotion to give free alcoholic beverages to owners of the names Muhammad and Maria. The promotion is valid every Thursday with the condition that you bring an identity card.

The promotion also received attention because it went viral on social media. Until finally, the upload about the promotion was deleted.

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