Minister Of PPPA Values The Active Role Of Influential Families For Development
Puspayoga Star Child/Photo: Antara

JAKARTA - The Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) Bintang Puspayoga encourages the role of the family in alleviating women's and children's issues. realizing a nation that is advanced, strong, and resilient," he said through a press release in Jakarta, Friday, June 24. According to him, the family as the smallest unit in society has a vital contribution to development for women and children. "The family as the smallest unit of society, 76.7 million in Indonesia are the first and main agents in implementing priority issues because they have the closest relationship with women and children," he said. In addition to encouraging the role of the family, the PPPA Ministry is synergizing with the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration and the Ministry of Home Affairs. in the declaration of the Village/Kelura program Women Friendly and Child Care (D/KRPPA) women and children are so complex, of course the Ministry of PPPA cannot work alone. Synergy, collaboration, active participation, and progressive real work are the keys to success in achieving the fulfillment of children's rights, special protection for children, fulfillment of women's rights and gender mainstreaming," she said. "I hope that various decisions resulting from various legislative programs at the regional level can support women's empowerment, child protection, and the achievement of DRPPA indicators," said Bintang Puspayoga.

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