Called Appearing For Political Interests In The 2024 Election, DKI Ansor Alumni Association Not Recognized By GP Ansor DKI
Chairman of the Youth Movement (GP) Ansor Yaqut Cholil Qoumas in front of members of GP Ansor. (Antaranews)

JAKARTA - The chairman of the DKI Jakarta Ansor Youth Movement (GP) Muhamad Ainul Yakin said the group on behalf of the Ansor Alumni Association emerged for political purposes.

"The issue of our nationality is finished, we consistently continue to push for progress for this beloved country, there is no doubt. We were actually surprised when there was a group on behalf of the Ansor Alumni Association to defend the nation," said Yakin in his written statement, Wednesday, June 15.

According to him, ahead of the current election, it is not surprising that many parties are trying to attract Ansor. However, it is very unfortunate if this is done by all means, including those that actually harm the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) youth organization.

He assessed that the circular invitation on behalf of the Ansor Alumni Association in Surabaya came from an irresponsible group that actually did not understand the organization.

“Anyone who tries to divide Ansor, be careful. This Ansor is sacred, don't let it go wrong later," he said.

Furthermore, based on Antara's report, Yakin expressed his appreciation for the ranks of the Ansor GP Central Management who immediately provided information related to the circular of the Ansor alumni association so that the issue did not get wild.

"We in DKI Jakarta are currently focusing on regeneration and internal consolidation, we are also planning many programs for the independence of cadres," he explained.

Previously, Secretary General of PP GP Ansor Abdul Rochman said organizationally, GP Ansor, which is a youth organization under Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) does not recognize the term Ansor Alumni Association.

For this reason, the emergence of a declaration plan that will be held at the West Parking of the NU Museum in Surabaya is beyond the knowledge and organization of GP Ansor. Adung, Abdul Rochman's nickname, emphasized that the post-cadre regeneration at GP Ansor is a service to the NU jam'iyyah (organization), the nation and the state.

“GP Ansor already has clear and official regulations and organizational structures. And, the term alumni association is completely unknown in the GP Ansor organization. The use of the term with the name GP Ansor is clearly very inappropriate," he said.

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