Developments In The Handling Of The Binomo Indra Kenz Case, 144 Victims And IDR 83 Billion Losses
Indra Kenz / Photo: VOI

JAKARTA - The handling of the fraudulent investment case on the Bimomo platform which has named seven suspects including Indra Kenz is still ongoing. Temporary developments, recorded 144 people became victims with a loss of Rp. 83 billion.

"The loss of the victims of the IK affiliate as many as 144 people is around Rp. 83,365,707,894," said Head of Sub-Directorate II of the Dittipideksus Bareskrim Polri Kombes Candra Sukma Kumara to reporters, Thursday, June 9.

In handling this case, a total of 131 witnesses have been examined. The majority are victim witnesses.

Then, investigators have also asked for information from several experts. Their statement was to strengthen the investigator's belief that the actions of Indra Kenz and six other suspects violated the criminal law.

In addition, investigators have also confiscated the suspect's assets. One of them is Indra Kenz's Tesla and Ferrari.

Recently, Indra Kenz's deposit box which was in a private bank was forcibly dismantled. Investigators found two land certificates and a flash drive.

The flash disk contains data from the company BotX Technology Indonesia, which is a Coin Crypto company owned by Indra Kenz.

Meanwhile, the process of handling this case has entered the delegation stage. Investigators have submitted the case files to the research prosecutor to be checked for completeness.

This means that if the prosecutor considers the file to be complete, the investigators just need to take the next step, which is to hand over the evidence and the suspect.

"Sending the file for stage 1 of suspect IK (fulfillment of P19, ed)," said Chandra.

For information, the seven suspects in the Binomo case include Indra Kenz, Fakarich alias Fakar Suhartami Pratama, Brian Edgar Nababan, Wiky Mandara Nurhalim, Nathania Kesuma, Vanessa Khong, and Rudiyanto Pei.

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