Kremlin Warns Against Interfering In Special Operations In Ukraine: All Avoid Direct Russia-NATO Clashes
Juru bicara Kremlin Dimitry Peskov. (Wikimedia Commons/ Service of the President of Russia)

JAKARTA - The Kremlin has again warned foreign parties not to interfere in Russia's special military operations in Ukraine, saying they do not want a direct clash between Russia and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Moscow will be ready to give the most decisive response if anyone tries to interfere in Russia's special military operations in Ukraine, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

"We, first of all, proceeding from the statements made by the President (Vladimir Putin) since February 24, Russia will be ready to give the most decisive response to the party, which will try somehow to get into Ukraine and the special military operations that are being carried out. Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine," he stressed, launching TASS May 12.

"The statements of the president are well known and we, first of all, proceed from these statements," Peskov stressed.

Commenting on the issue of a potential direct Russia-NATO clash, a Kremlin spokesman said, "all want to avoid" this scenario.

"Both Russia (wants to avoid it) and statements about this have been repeatedly made by NATO and most importantly, by Washington, including at the highest levels: such statements have been made by President (US Joe) Biden. ," he said.

Earlier, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev wrote on his Telegram channel on Thursday, supplying weapons to Ukraine raises the possibility of a potential NATO conflict with Russia, which might grow into a nuclear war that "would be a disastrous scenario for all".

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