One Person Dies When A Tree Falls In A Car
One of the victims was hit by a fallen tree/ Photo: Antara

JAKARTA – Strong winds that hit Twisted Nine, Taba Penanjung District, in Central Bengkulu Regency claimed lives. One car driver was reported to have died when a tree fell on him. Central Bengkulu District Police Chief AKBP Ary Baroto through the Head of the Benteng Police Traffic Unit Iptu Wiyanto in Bengkulu, said the driver of the car with the initials D (47) died at the scene. ," said Wiyanto, citing Antara, Saturday, May 7. Besides D, another victim who was hit by a tree in Liku Sembilan, Central Bengkulu Regency, namely, MS (49) was taken to the Kepahiang District Hospital for further treatment due to serious injuries. Then the three other passengers who survived, namely B (18), A (8) and H (39) did not suffer any injuries.

He said, the victim was from a family from Pendopo District, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra Province. For this incident, his party implemented an open and closed traffic flow from Kepahiang Regency to Bengkulu City and vice versa. In addition, his party cooperated with the Regional Disaster Management Agency. (BPBD) and the TNI of Central Bengkulu Regency cut down trees around the location which may collapse.

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