Hundreds Of Millions Of Money Lost Because Binomo, A Man From Kalimantan Was Smothered By Cigarettes
Elis, lover of the victim who was abused by the perpetrator/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - A man with the initial H became a victim of abuse by a colleague with the initial A because he did not accept that his capital money was sold out due to playing the Binomo application. The incident occurred at a restaurant in the Hayam Wuruk area, Tamansari District, West Jakarta. Prior to the incident, victim H had told A that the hundreds of millions of capital money could run out because applications were sucked in every day. Companies that were given shares by H and A also did not develop and experienced a decline until they went bankrupt. Elis lover H explained, before going bankrupt in the binomo application, A had received a profit sharing of Rp. 33 million. Then his girlfriend only received Rp 20 million in money and after that there was never any more profit received by H and A. "They have been playing since 2021, then yesterday they received a profit of Rp. 33 million for A," he told reporters at the Tamansari Police, Friday 22 April. Because he had run out of capital to play binomo, H then returned to West Kalimantan before the 2022 Chinese New Year celebrations. Having no permanent job, H was unemployed in Kalimantan, until last Sunday he received a call for a job offer. A woman with the initials W offered a lucrative job with a big salary, bought a plane ticket to Jakarta and got a place to live. It turned out that when they arrived in Jakarta, what was promised was a lie because Elis and his girlfriend used personal money to buy plane tickets. "They said staying at the hotel was covered, but apparently not, they had to pay for it themselves at Red Doorz," he explained. After that, W went to H to the hotel where H was staying. Then, without being noticed by H, it turned out that W brought A's brother who incidentally is W's brother and his colleagues, then H was taken to a restaurant in the Hayam Wuruk area, Tamansari District, West Jakarta on Wednesday 20 April yesterday. At the restaurant, H just realized that the job vacancies offered were just a trap. H also received intimidation from A and his colleagues. "I was then called by H to come to the restaurant with my Iphone cellphone at 18.00 WIB," he said. The man from Kalimantan was asked to immediately return the hundreds of millions of money used to play Binomo within one hour. Because he could not return the money, H was abused by A and his colleagues and was burned by a cigarette by one of A's colleagues.

"He brought a person who claimed to be a member of the police as well, then the police officer also beat him before being taken to the police station, then my cellphone, Iphone 11 Promax, was confiscated by the police, until now it has not been returned," he said. Elis added that his girlfriend was making a report for A and had already reported the police officer who was backing A to his leader. "Earlier, my lover received threats from A through a message on social media in March 2022 and A once ordered his people in West Kalimantan to confiscate H's work tools and H's furniture," added Elis. He hopes that this case can be processed immediately to provide a deterrent effect to the perpetrators who like to take the law into their own hands. "Now my girlfriend is being questioned at the Police, I want to make a police report," he said.

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