The Antarctic Ozone Hole Has Never Been Bigger As It Is Today, Human Civilization Is Truly In Danger
Photo illustration (Martin Sanchez / Unsplash)

JAKARTA - Research has found a big problem in the melting of ice in Antarctica. Scientists say the ozone hole over Antarctica has reached its annual maximum size. The hole was even called the largest and deepest in recent years.

The research was conducted by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). "Scientists from the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service confirm that the ozone hole over Antarctica is one of the largest and deepest in recent years," WMO spokesman Clare Nullis, told reporters in Geneva, Tuesday, October 6.

This is a big danger to human civilization because the ozone layer protects humans from the sun's harmful UV rays. Every year in August, in Antarctica's early spring, the ozone hole begins to grow and reaches its peak around October.

"Ozone depletion is directly related to temperature in the stratosphere. This is because arctic stratospheric clouds, which play an important role in the chemical breakdown of ozone, only form at temperatures below -78 Celsius, "said Nullis.

Ozone depletion is dependent on very cold temperatures. Therefore, the cooler the temperature in the stratosphere over Antarctica, the bigger the ozone hole. "The air is below minus 78 Celsius and this is the temperature you need to form stratospheric clouds and this process is quite complicated," said Nullis.

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"But basically, the ice in these clouds triggers a reaction that can then destroy the ozone zone. So that's why we are seeing a big ozone hole this year, "he added.

Ozone depletion on the continent of Antarctica was first seen in 1985. Although the hole was growing, experts believe that since restrictions on ozone-depleting halocarbons were introduced through the Montreal Protocol, the hole has slowly recovered.

Climate projections suggest that the ozone layer will return to 1980 levels by 2060. “The Montreal Protocol, which effectively eliminates ozone-consuming substances, is one of the most effective and successful environmental treaties of all time. However, we cannot be complacent, "said Nullis.

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