Ditlantas Polda Sulsel Survey Damaged Roads Ahead Of The 2022 Eid Homecoming

MAKASSAR - The South Sulawesi Regional Police Traffic Directorate (Polda) conducted a survey of damaged roads in the province ahead of the 2022 Eid homecoming.

Dirlantas Polda Sulsel Kombes Faizal said the purpose of surveying damaged roads is to find out where the damage points are so that warning signs are made.

"Surveys of damaged roads continue to be carried out by members of the Sub-Directorate for Security and Safety (Kamsel) of the South Sulawesi Regional Police. They survey almost all districts," he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, April 19.

Based on the report of the Sub-Directorate of Kamsel Ditlantas Polda South Sulawesi, a survey was conducted in Makassar City and 10 points in a number of districts, the results of which have been coordinated with the central government through the Road Hall and local governments.

A number of damaged roads, he said, will later be passed by motorists, both local residents and homecomers when going home for Eid 2022.

In addition to monitoring damaged roads, the South Sulawesi Polda Ditlantas will monitor public services at ports such as river and ferry transportation (ASDP).

There are also several districts that are the focus of the survey, namely East Luwu District (Lutim), North Luwu (Lutra), Palopo City, Wajo, Parepare, and Barru District.

The South Sulawesi Police Ditlantas team during the survey was accompanied by relevant institutions, such as the South Sulawesi Provincial National Road Operator who is responsible for national roads.

"The results of the survey in the field will later be used as the basis for making recommendations to relevant agencies so that improvements can be made according to their respective duties and responsibilities," he said.

Meanwhile, Plt Kasubdit Kamsel Ditlantas Polda Sulsel Kompol Darwis explained that the survey carried out for three days focused on identifying road equipment infrastructure, monitoring terminals, airports, and ports/ASDP.

"The purpose of carrying out a survey of roads and public service places is to realize security, safety, order and smooth traffic in South Sulawesi to face the 2022 Eid homecoming," he said.

Ten survey points for damaged roads carried out by the South Sulawesi Police Sub-Directorate of Traffic and Traffic includes the Palopo-Toraja landslide road, the Makassar-Malili North Luwu axis, Bumbeme Village in East Timor, Palopo City Terminal, Bua Luwu Airport, ASDP Siwa, Wajo Regency, loading and unloading activities at Parepare Port, the Barru-Soppeng axis damaged road, and the Parepare City Mud Terminal.

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