The Criminal Investigation Unit Says Vanessa Khong And Indra Kentz's Prospective In-Law Haven't Come Yet, Lawyer Claims They Are Being Examined
Vanessa Khong/ FOTO via Instagram vanessakhongg

JAKARTA - Two suspects in the alleged money laundering case with the main suspect Indra Kenz. The two people who will be examined are Vanessa Khong and future mother-in-law Indra Kenz Rudiyanto Pei.

"The investigation hasn't arrived yet," said the Director of Special Economic Crimes at the Indonesian National Police, Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan, when confirmed, Monday, April 18.

Investigators are still waiting for their arrival. This is because investigators have not received any information regarding the presence or absence of the suspects.

"Still waiting for us," said Whisnu.

The lawyer for the two suspects, Brian Praneda, made a different statement. He said his client was present and was giving information.

"Already (came, red), currently at the BAP," said Brian.

Today's examination is the first time for Vanessa Khong and Rusdiyanto Pei as suspects. Because, on Thursday, April 14, they asked investigators to reschedule.

The reason they filed the postponement was that they were preparing evidence to deny all allegations of involvement.

"The reason we are still preparing, yes, evidence related to existing financial transactions," said Brian.

Vanessa Khong and Rudiyanto Pei were named as suspects in the fraudulent investment case under the guise of Binomo trading. Determination of the suspect for receiving a flow of funds related to the crime of money laundering.

"VK played a role in receiving a flow of funds from IK in the amount of IDR 1.1 billion," said Head of Public Information Bureau (Karo Penmas), Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan.

Based on the results of the investigators and previous investigations, Vanessa Khong is suspected of having also received a land gift in the South Tangerang area from her lover. The nominal amount reached IDR 7.8 billion.

Investigators also blocked Vanessa Khong's account. However, the number of accounts and the nominal money in the blocked accounts have not been detailed.

"Furthermore, investigators also blocked the account belonging to VK," said Ramadhan.

Meanwhile, Vanessa Khong's father, said Ramadhan, also received a cash flow. The nominal is IDR 1.5 billion.

In addition, he also helped IK disguise the proceeds of crime by purchasing 10 luxury watches worth billions

"Help suspect IK disguise the proceeds of the crime in the form of buying 10 luxury watches worth IDR 8 billion," said Ramadhan.

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