In Debt, Men In Bali Desperate To Steal Neighbor's Cows

JEMBRANA - The Jembrana Police Team, Bali, arrested the perpetrator of the theft of a cow belonging to his neighbor. The perpetrator with the initials PS (43), a resident of the Sawe Rangsasa neighborhood, was detained by the police.

"For now, we are still developing the case and still in the process of further investigation," said Jembrana Police Chief AKBP I Dewa Gde Juliana at the Jembrana Police Headquarters, Saturday, April 16.

He revealed, the perpetrator's actions when the victim, who is also a neighbor named I Wayan Warta, admitted to losing a cow, Wednesday, April 13.

At that time, the victim came to the cow in an empty plot not far from his house to feed the cows. However, at the location it was discovered that one female cow had disappeared.

"According to the information in question, last night at around 19.00 WITA he had time to feed the cows," he added.

The police who received the victim's report immediately arrested the perpetrator. The perpetrator admitted that he had stolen cows twice in the same neighborhood.

The stolen cows were sold to a cattle slaughterer for Rp. 8 million. The perpetrator admitted that he had only been given an advance of Rp. 1 million. The stolen cow was brought by the police as evidence.

"One yellowish-red female cow has been sold for R 8 million but has not been paid yet is still in the down payment of Rp. 1 million. The proceeds are planned to be used by the perpetrators to pay debts or for economic needs," he said.

The perpetrator was charged with Article 363 paragraph (1) to 1 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 7 years in prison.

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