So As Not To Make Noise, PPP Says It's More Appropriate To Panja For Cooking Oil Than The Right Of Inquiry
MPR Building (Irvan Meidianto/VOI)

JAKARTA - The PPP faction agreed with Commission VI of the DPR which decided to form a Working Committee (Panja) to investigate the polemic of the scarcity and high price of cooking oil. Secretary of the DPR's PPP faction, Achmad Baidowi, said that since entering this session, his party has voiced the formation of a working committee in Commission VI, and a working committee on industry-related commissions in Commission VII. Baidowi said that this Panja was to find a solution, not a political commotion. "It's a pity for the people if they are only treated to political noise. We see that the Panja is more focused and specific to call the relevant parties to explore the Migor Panja and maybe also the food panja," Baidowi said via text message, Wednesday, March 23. In the meeting Even working with the Minister of Trade, continued the man who is familiarly called Awiek, the PPP faction has officially proposed a committee for investigations related to the scarcity of migraines and the high costs of migraines.

The most important thing, said the member of Commission VI of the DPR, is to find a solution so that the scarcity of migraines does not happen again.

"It is evident from several panjas formed by the DPR that they were successful, such as the Jiwasraya panja that were not noisy and the problem was resolved. The Garuda panja was also running, it was not noisy, the important thing was that the substance of the problem was unraveled, the solution was reached and not the noise," explained Awiek. Regarding the right of inquiry, PPP considers the committee to be sufficient to find a solution to the scarcity of migraines. PPP said Awiek didn't want to make a fuss. "PPP does not need imagery and political frenzy, more on the substance of how the committee is able to find common ground and solutions," he said.

PPP, he added, is more about social action in the field. "And I am in Mataram in NTB with DPW PPP NTB distributing assistance to residents to get migraines. Thank God the residents are enthusiastic about getting migraine assistance," said Awiek. It is known, the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction submitted a right of inquiry regarding the cooking oil issue. This inquiry right aims to resolve cases of scarcity of cooking oil and dismantle the food mafia.

"The PKS faction of the DPR will apply for an inquiry right to investigate the phenomenon of the scarcity and high price of cooking oil," said PKS faction member, Netty Prasetiyani, to reporters, Wednesday, March 23.

According to Netty, by forming a special committee for inquiry rights, the DPR will find out the source of the problem of scarcity of cooking oil in the market.

"Let us know clearly where the root of the problem is," said the West Java legislator.

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