Investigate The AGO Building Fire, The Police Coordinate With Mitsubishi Electric About The Elevator
Attorney General's Building on fire (Photo: Irfan Meidianto / VOI)

JAKARTA - The process of investigating the fire case in the main building of the Attorney General's Office is still underway. Apart from examining witnesses and experts, investigators also coordinated with the elevator manufacturer installed at the Adhyaksa Corps building.

"Investigators are also coordinating with the elevator manufacturing plant in the main building, namely PT Mitsubishi Electric," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono, to reporters, Thursday, September 24.

But Awi did not explain the purpose of the coordination. The investigating team is also preparing a legal construction in the case so that the cause of the fire can be revealed.

"(Investigators) are preparing a legal construction to investigate this fire case," he said.

Previously, Awi said that investigators examined 13 witnesses in the fire case at the Main Office of the Attorney General's Office (AGO), Thursday, September 24. Some of them are experts.

"The 6 experts consist of Puslabfor Experts, Fire Experts from IPB and UI, Criminal Law Experts from UI, Usakti and UMJ," said the Director of the Directorate of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri, Brigadier General Ferdy Sambo, to reporters, Thursday, September 24.

Meanwhile, the other 7 witnesses were private parties, workers (craftsmen), cleaning service, civil servants and prosecutors at the Attorney General's Office. The plan is for the examination to take place at around 13.00 WIB.

The Adhyaksa Corps building caught fire on Saturday, August 22 at 19.10 WIB. The fire lasted almost 12 hours.

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