Observer: Reshuffle Of The Trade Minister Is Useless If The President Does Not Break The Chain Of Closeness Between The Authorities And The Cooking Oil Mafia
Illustration-(Photo: DOK ANTARA)

JAKARTA - Political communication observer at Esa Unggul University, Jamiluddin Ritonga, stated that the Minister of Trade (Mendag) Muhammad Lutfi had failed to control cooking oil stocks and prices. Including being helpless against the cooking oil mafia.

"The Minister of Trade's apology is proof of the powerlessness of the cooking oil mafia. As a minister, he is clearly weak and can be controlled by the cooking oil mafia," said Jamiluddin in Jakarta, Friday, March 18.

Therefore, Jamiluddin considered that the Minister of Trade deserves to be reshuffled and replaced with someone who is more firm in dealing with the migrant mafia.

"President Joko Widodo must be able to find a strong ministerial figure from the undermining of the cooking oil mafia," he stressed.

"But the problem is, are there any countrymen who are strong against the cooking oil mafia? This question becomes urgent considering that the cooking oil mafia seems close to those who feel in power," continued Jamiluddin.

According to Jamiluddin, the position of the trade minister is only useful in a reshuffle if the authorities do not submit to the cooking oil mafia. If not, he said, whoever becomes the trade minister will be powerless against the cooking oil mafia.

"So, what is urgently needed by the president is to cut off the closeness of those who feel in power with the cooking oil mafia," he said.

The President, Jamiluddin added, must also reshuffle those who feel in power. Because only by breaking the chain of relations between the cooking oil mafia and those who feel in power, will the future minister of trade be able to work optimally.

"Without it, the trade reshuffle will be in vain," said Jamiluddin.

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