17 People Examined In Connection With The AGO Building Fire Case
Attorney General's Building on fire (Photo: Irfan Meidianto / VOI)

JAKARTA - Bareskrim Polri investigators have scheduled the examination of 17 witnesses in the fire case at the Main Office of the Attorney General's Office (AGO) who are suspected of having criminal elements. The majority of the witnesses being questioned are internally at the AGO.

"The examination of 17 witnesses consists of workers or builders, staff of the Attorney General's Office, Kamdal and Civil Servants of the Attorney General's Office," said the Director of the Directorate of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri, Brigadier General Ferdy Sambo, to reporters, Tuesday, September 22.

It is not certain whether all the witnesses will be present. However, he said, the dozens of witnesses would be questioned at around 13.00 WIB.

In addition, investigators will also write to the South Jakarta District Court requesting approval for the confiscation of evidence. However, Ferdy did not explain in detail what kind of evidence was meant in the petition.

"Submitting a confiscation approval agreement to the South Jakarta State Institution in confiscating evidence from Puslabfor," he said.

Previously, Kabareskrim Polri, Komjen Listyo Sigit Prabowo, said that from the fire incident at the AGO Building, his party had found several pieces of evidence. This is also the basis for the decision to upgrade the status of a case to an investigation.

"The evidence that we secure is in the form of CCTV DVR, ashes of fire residue or what is known as hydrocarbons, pieces of wood left over from fires," said Listyo.

Then, the fire incident was also suspected of being a criminal act. This allegation arose based on the results of the case title together with the AGO team and several experts.

"The events that occurred, meanwhile, investigators have concluded that they are suspected of being a criminal event," said Listyo.

Apart from that, the allegations were also based on the results of an investigation by the Central Forensic Laboratory team (Puslabfor). This is because so far the fire was not caused by a short circuit.

"Puslabfor said that it was not because of a short circuit but because of an open flame," he said.

The Adhyaksa Corps building caught fire on Saturday, August 22 at 19.10 WIB. The fire lasted almost 12 hours.

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