Vice President Calls Water Crisis Not Only A Problem In Indonesia But Also The World
Photo: BPMI Setpres

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin stated that the water crisis is not only a problem that requires attention in Indonesia, but also throughout the world.

Ma'ruf said, even though 71 percent of the earth is covered by water, only about 13 percent of fresh water can be used to meet the water needs of more than 7 billion people.

Meanwhile, water use in the 21st century has more than doubled compared to population growth, causing a gap between water availability and water demand.

Therefore, Ma'ruf revealed the need for wise management of water use so that clean water and proper sanitation can be easily accessed as the main key that determines the quality of public health.

The complexity of water resources management, he said, requires a variety of approaches and policies that involve multi-sectoral and agency, allocation of national funds, and collective decision-making.

"It requires policies that are globally accepted and reasonable, contain social and environmental considerations, and embrace stakeholders. This is a key national policy on water resources that contributes to international policy," said Ma'ruf at the 2nd Asia International Water event. Week (AIWW) in NTT, quoted on the official website of the Cabinet Secretariat, Monday, March 14.

In the condition of the water crisis in Indonesia, Ma'ruf continued, it is highly correlated with the handling of three problems that are currently the focus of the Indonesian government's work. These focuses are eradicating extreme poverty, developing superior human resources, and reducing stunting rates.

"We continue to develop the potential of water as a power plant and floating diesel in order to create clean energy for the environment. In addition, we encourage sustainable clean water management through integrated water resource management,” said Ma'ruf.

Closing his remarks, Ma'ruf hoped that the results obtained from this forum could provide solutions to water problems, not only at the national level, but also at the international level.

“I hope that this Asia International Water Week can produce a breakthrough to produce solutions to water problems in our region. Congratulations on carrying out the conference productively by enjoying the beautiful charm of Labuan Bajo," he added.

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