Police Reveal The Case Of Junior High School Students Perpetrators Of Brawl In Poris Tangerang, Still In One School
Tangerang Metro Police Chief, Kombes Komarudin holds evidence of sharp weapons used in student brawls at one school/ Photo: Jehan/ VOI

TANGERANG - The Tangerang Metro Police Chief, Kombes Komarudin, said that the students who took part in the brawl in Poris Gaga, Batuceper, Tangerang City, belonged to the same school. But different groups.

"(Students-ed) So it's the same school, just different gangs," said Komarudin when confirmed, Monday, March 7.

It is known, the brawl incident started from a group of students who challenged each other. Then they promised to do a brawl. Komarudin said, even though they were still in the same school.

After the incident, three people were stabbed. Now the 3 people are being treated at the hospital, for medical treatment.

"There were 3 victims. One stab wound to the back, 1 stab wound to the waist, another to the stomach," he said

Meanwhile, the perpetrators of the stabbing have been arrested by the police. Komarudin said the perpetrators were still of middle age or junior high school students.

Komarudin said he would hunt down the brawl groups. According to him they challenge each other to attack each other.

"We have secured 6 people, on average they are still in junior high school. The students have the initials IB, FK, HR, FA, AL and ZA. While we have obtained their identities, those who are still running away are DN, EZ, GB," he said.

"So we continue to hunt from these 2 groups. These 2 groups are both wrong. So it's not only from the group that hacked. But the group that was hacked we will look for anyone," he said.

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