Instead Of Delaying Elections, The Government Is Suggested To Control The Prices Of Basic Foods That Start Skyrocketing

JAKARTA - Deputy Chair of the PKS faction in the Indonesian House of Representatives, Mulyanto, assessed that the Government would rather focus on controlling the prices of basic necessities (sembako), rather than busy handling the proposed postponement of the 2024 General Election. Moreover, next month the Muslim community will carry out the Ramadan fast.

This is because, apart from the rising cooking oil, soybeans and beef, the Government has recently set an increase in the price of non-subsidized fuel and LPG. Even non-subsidized LPG has experienced two increases, namely on December 25, 2021 and February 28, 2022. "It's only been two months. The government is better off doing things that are beneficial to the people than issuing statements that make people noisy," said Mulyanto, Wednesday, March 2. According to the member of Commission VII of the DPR, the public is tired of facing uproar due to differences of opinion, especially regarding the proposed postponement of the election. "People want the government to do something real, something that can lighten life's increasingly heavy burdens," he said. Therefore, the Banten electoral district legislator urges the government and political elites to focus on controlling the prices of people's basic needs ahead of the month of Ramadan 2022. The government, said Mulyanto, should not confuse the situation by raising the issue of postponing the 2024 election or extending the term of office of the Jokowi-Ma'ruf government and the plan to relocate the State Capital (IKN).

"Please the government to focus on productive things in solving concrete problems of the community in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic which has not been completed and the daily positive cases of the Omicron variant are still high," he stressed.

He reminded the government not to violate the constitution in carrying out the mandate of the 1945 Constitution. And to think more about the people who are currently experiencing difficulties due to economic recovery.

"Don't indulge in lust for power and violate the constitution. It's too luxurious in the midst of difficult conditions in society like today, political rulers are even selfish in thinking of extending their seat of power," said Mulyanto.

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