Viral: A Car Was on Fire at The Gas Station

JAKARTA - A car was on fire at the gas station, Jalan Diponegoro, Palu, Central Sulawesi. The incident was recorded on a video and went viral on social media. The driver pressed the gas to take the car away from the gas station tank. So, the fire didn't spread.

"We didn't receive any report because they handled it by themselves," said Palu Fire Brigade officer, Anhar, Monday, September 14.

From the video, the fire exploded from inside the car when the gas station officer inserted the nozzle into the gas tank. The officers immediately pulled out the nozzle from the car with police number DP 571 AJ.

The driver got out of the car. But then, he rushed back in and drove the car away from the gas station area. This driver then got out of the car as the car moved toward the road.

You can see the driver trying to hold the car door so that this car does not slide away into the middle of the road. Black smoke billowed, then the flames grew bigger.

Petrol station officers carried a light fire extinguisher and immediately approached the car. The fire was still burning until another officer came with Apar. This incident occurred Friday, September 11.

“The car was extinguished by a fire extinguisher. The driver did take the car out of the gas station," said Anhar.

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