Vice President Ma'ruf Amin Hopes National Congress V APTRI Makes Strategic Formulation For Sugar Industry
Vice President Maruf Amien/Photo: Antara

JAKARTA - Vice President, KH Ma'ruf Amin, hopes that the 5th National Deliberation of the Indonesian Sugar Cane Farmers Association (APTRI) can produce a strategic formula for improving the fate of sugar farmers and the progress of the sugar industry. to improve the fate of farmers and the progress of the Indonesian sugar industry," he said, opening the online 5th National Conference of the Indonesian Sugar Cane Farmers Association (APTRI), as in a written statement received, in Jakarta, Tuesday, February 22. However, he assessed that the plantation yields were not sufficient to meet the needs of the sugar industry.

“To improve on farm, we need superior seeds, so that the quality and production of sugar cane will increase. From the off-farm side, there needs to be additions and rejuvenation of sugar factories," he continued.

Apart from these two problems, he observed, governance and climate are also determining factors for the sugar industry in the country. "There are also other aspects, such as governance and the business climate, which will determine the success of the Indonesian sugar industry," he said. Therefore, he reiterated that the government's commitment to the sugar industry revitalization program has never subsided. "We want to be independent in the supply of sugar, including boosting the welfare of sugarcane farmers who have played a role in it," he said. continue to synergize with business actors and the government, including the board of directors who will be elected in the National Conference later," he said. Saying Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim, I officially declare the 5th National Conference of the Indonesian Sugar Cane Farmers Association to be opened. May Allah SWT give His inayah and bless all our efforts. The sugar industry is victorious, sugarcane farmers are prosperous,” he said. The General Chair of APTRI, Soemitro Samadikoen, conveyed his hopes to the government as an effort to improve the welfare of sugarcane farmers in Indonesia. These efforts include how to increase the cost of selling sugar for farmers, the role of cooperatives to channel people's business loans to sugarcane farmers, programs and facilities from the government to increase sugarcane productivity, and how to improve partnerships between sugar factories and sugarcane farmers. we can solve wisely and wisely. But solely for the sake of our partnership with all levels of sugar factories and especially what we hope for is guidance from the government and the Minister who is present today. Thus self-sufficiency is not impossible," he said. "Hopefully this National Conference V can provide comprehensive improvements for sugarcane farmers and the National Sugar Industry," he said. Attending the event were Minister of Trade, Muhammad Lutfi, Minister of BUMN, Erick Thohir, Head of National Food Agency, Arief Prasetyo, Governor of DIY, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, Secretary General of APTRI, M Nur Khabsyin, as well as APTRI administrators and members. Information, Masduki Baidlowi, Expert Staff to the Vice President, Iggi Haruman Achsien, and Personal Secretary to the Vice President, Sholahudin Al Aiyub.

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