Ride On PCX And Beat, Five Teenage Boys With Swords In Cakung, Arrested While Looking For Victims To Be Slaughtered
The Metro Jaya Police Precision Patrol Team arrested five teenage boys with sickles, allegedly looking for victims/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - The Metro Jaya Police Precision Patrol Team arrested five teenagers suspected of being robbers while crossing Jalan Raya Bekasi, Cakung District, East Jakarta, Friday, February 18, early in the morning, with two motorbikes. From their hands, the police found two sickles.

It didn't take long for the five suspected robbers to be transported using a pickup from the Metro Jaya Police Precision Patrol Team to the Cakung Sector Police Headquarters.

"We tried to stop it because the person concerned was not wearing a helmet. One motorbike fell and found two sharp weapons of the type sickle. One motorbike was riding with three people, the other tried to escape and was arrested again," explained Dantim II of the Jakarta Police Precision Patrol, Ipda Vino Satrio, told reporters, Friday 18 February.

Vino also said, from the initial inspection carried out by his party, they admitted that they had committed acts of robbery against two types of Scoopy motorbikes and Honda Beat.

"According to the suspect's confession, these five people had just come out and wanted to find the victim's target. Before carrying out the action, we succeeded in thwarting it," he said.

The alleged perpetrators also admitted that they had committed street crimes similar to the type of robbery.

"We had an initial check, from their confession that they had carried out 2 robbery actions. These five suspected robbers were handed over to the Cakung Police and received by members here. Further information will be asked for further," he said.

This patrol, continued, will continue to be carried out by the Polda Metro Jaya in anticipating street crimes in the capital city.

"The confiscated evidence consisted of two sickles. The motorbikes of the two perpetrators were also secured, namely a Honda PCX and a Honda Beat," he said.

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