Called Bareskrim Polri, Crazy Rich Medan Indra Kenz Uploads Photo Of Infusion Hose In Hand
Indra Kesuma/DOK Instagram indrakenz

JAKARTA - Indra Kesuma, crazy rich Medan who is well-known by the name of Indra Kenz, was summoned by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police to undergo an investigation into allegations of fraudulent investment reports. But the affiliate of the Binary Option Application Binomo, was abroad, which his lawyer called for treatment.

Through the Instagram account @indrakenz, this man uploaded his journey to Turkey. There are a number of photos shared by Indra Kenz via InstaStory including the 'luxury' facilities on the Fly Emirates airline.

After that, Indra Kenz displayed a photo of himself in bed undergoing medical treatment. Looks like his right hand is connected to an IV line.

"While posting here, I will rarely post, guys, focus on health first... Please support," said Indra Kenz with a message.

Investigators from the Directorate of Special Economic Crimes (Dittipideksus) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police have scheduled an investigation into Indra Kenz (IK), an influencer who acts as an affiliate of the Binary Option Application for Binomo, regarding reports of fraudulent investment fraud, Friday, February 18.

"About IK will be questioned on Friday, February 18 2022, at 10:00 WIB," said the Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karo Penmas) of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan in Jakarta, Thursday, February 17.

Ramadhan explained that the investigation into the fraudulent investment fraud case under the guise of the Binomo binary option application had examined 15 witnesses consisting of nine victim witnesses, three general witnesses, and three expert witnesses.

Meanwhile, Indra Kenz submitted a request for a postponement of the examination to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police for health reasons.

Indra Kenz's attorney, Wardaniman Larosa, said his client was undergoing treatment abroad. The treatment had been scheduled in advance before the examination schedule from Bareskrim.

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