Strict PSBB In Jakarta Again Goes Effect, DPR Limits The Number And Time Of Meetings
Gedung DPR/Irfan Meidianto (VOI)

JAKARTA - The DPR will limit the number of participants and meeting times in each commission. This policy will be taken after the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government decides to reimpose Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) on Monday, September 14.

DPR RI Secretary General Indra Iskandar said that each meeting could only be attended by 20 percent of the total commission members.

"The meeting is attended at most by 20 percent of the total number of members per commission or Council Compliance (AKD)," said Indra to reporters, Thursday, September 10.

"So the composition of the commission leader is approximately two people, nine representatives from the faction or one person per faction. The rest is virtual that we provide," he added.

This restriction, continued Indra, will also apply to ministries or partner institutions of the DPR RI to journalists who do coverage.

Meanwhile, regarding the meeting schedule, he emphasized that the DPR RI will not reduce the number of meetings in 11 commissions. The reason is that currently all commissions are pursuing work meetings related to the budget with their partners.

However, in the implementation time, arrangements will be made. This includes limiting the meeting time to only four hours and no meeting with work partners later than 18.00 WIB.

Indra said that his party continues to prepare the concept of implementing the PSBB in the DPR RI and it only remains to get approval from the leadership of the DPR RI.

"We are preparing the concept today, hopefully it has been approved by the leadership. Because there are still meetings up to the recess period regarding K / L's budget in the commission," he concluded.

The Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan decided the PSBB was strictly enforced. Anies called this decision "pulling the emergency brake" amid the soaring cases of COVID-19 in Jakarta. This emergency brake was applied with the implementation of the PSBB just like the beginning of the pandemic.

"So, in principle starting Monday, September 14, the business activities will not stop but work in the office will be eliminated, road business activities, office activities will continue, but office buildings are not allowed to operate," Anies said in a press conference on Wednesday, September 9.

Currently, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is preparing regulations for the preparation of the PSBB as it was at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Later, there are 11 essential areas that will continue to run, but their implementation will still be minimized.

"Not operating normally but reduced, operating permits will be re-evaluated, to ensure that control runs well business activities, social activities do not cause infection," he continued.

In addition, all entertainment venues and activities managed by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will be closed. This also applies to restaurants or cafes that are prone to potential transmission of COVID-19.

Meanwhile, regarding places of worship, Anies said that worship can be carried out limited to local residents with strict health protocols.

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