Coordinating Minister For PMK: Red And White Vaccines Are President Jokowi's Super Priority Program

SURABAYA - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy called the Red and White vaccine which underwent the first phase of clinical trials today as a super priority program from President Joko Widodo. "I am in charge of coordinating, synchronizing and controlling priority programs. This vaccine is included in the program. super priority from the President towards Indonesia's vaccine independence," said Muhadjir during the Kick Off of the Red and White Vaccine Clinical Trial at the Dr. Soetomo Surabaya was reported by Antara, Wednesday, February 9. According to him, the entry of the Red and White vaccine into the clinical trial stage was an extraordinary success for the nation's children. clinical practice is the result of good cooperation between various parties.” Scientifically, Unair made an effort, while RSUD Dr. Sutomo did a trial. I am also the chairman of IKA Unair, I always coordinate with Prof. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih," he said. According to the first female governor in East Java, cooperation must be carried out in a complementary manner and also carried out with foreign countries in order to get the green light from the world health organization or WHO. "Hopefully communication with WHO will be successful and safe. , so that it gets approval," said the number one person in the East Java Provincial Government.

Meanwhile, Unair Chancellor Prof. Mohammad Nasih explained that the clinical trial of the Red and White vaccine will be carried out in three phases. "The first phase will be attended by 90 participants. While the second phase will be followed by 400 participants and the third phase will be attended by 5,000 participants," he said. focus on the development of the Red and White vaccine and become one of the initiators and vanguards in a vaccine independent Indonesia." , they worked from beginning to end as made in Indonesia. Without the support of vaccine development, this would not necessarily happen," he said.

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