West Jakarta Metro Police Destroys Hundreds Of Kilograms Of Drugs Arrested By 3 Bandars, 9 Traffickers
Drug evidence seized by the West Jakarta Police/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - The West Jakarta Metro Police destroyed evidence of various types of narcotics that had been revealed in the last three months, namely 31 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, 255 kilograms of marijuana and 5,000 pills of ecstasy.

West Jakarta Metro Police Deputy AKBP Bismo Teguh Prakoso said the three types of narcotic evidence were secured from three big dealers and nine dealers.

"All the evidence that we have secured will then be destroyed by using an incinerator," said AKBP Bismo to reporters, Wednesday, February 9.

AKBP Bismo explained that the disclosure was the result of operations from November 2021 to January 2022.

"The suspects come from different networks and regions, namely Jakarta, Tangerang, Medan and Banyumas," he said.

They, continued AKBP Bismo, sent hundreds of kilograms of the drugs to Jakarta by land, sea and air.

"We are also cooperating with Soetta Airport Customs (airway disclosure)," he said.

With this disclosure, continued Bismo, his party managed to save 672,626 people from the dangers of consuming narcotics.

The defendants were charged with Article 114 paragraph 2 Subsidiary Article 111 paragraph 2 Subsidiary Article 11e Juncto Article 132 paragraph 1 RI Law number 35 of 2009 with a life sentence or a minimum sentence of five years and a maximum death penalty.

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