Commission III Of DPR Asks Police To Prioritize Victims Of Binomo
Illustrations (DOK VOI)

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives Prince Khairul Saleh, asked the police to prioritize reports on victims of the Binomo binary option investment transaction platform. According to him, the fate of the victims of Binomo is the main thing that must be defended.

"The police are obliged to put the thousands of victims of this fraudulent binary option investment transaction platform as a top priority that must be defended, including Maru Nazara who is a victim of the Binomo binary option investment transaction platform," Prince told reporters, Tuesday, February 8.

Prince emphasized that all parties should not go against the guidelines of the Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (CoFTRA) which has declared binary options such as Binomo illegal.

"We must comply with CoFTRA's guidelines that binary options are an illegal futures trading transaction platform. Since binary options have been declared an online gambling activity under the guise of trading in the futures trading sector, no one may reject the guidelines from CoFTRA by stating the other way around," he explained.

The PAN politician also encouraged the police to thoroughly investigate Binomo's investment transactions, which are alleged to have harmed thousands of customers. He said the nominal loss of the victims was in the billions.

"The police are obliged to thoroughly investigate the operations of this Binomo investment transaction, which Maru Nazara mentioned has harmed about 5,000 customers. Moreover, it is mentioned that the losses from these customers range from tens of millions to billions of rupiah," he said.

The prince also mentioned Indra Kenz's report against one of the parties who were victims of Binomo. He believes the police will be fair in dealing with the matter.

"I believe the police will handle this report of libel by Indra Kesuma against Maru Nazara fairly and carefully. Moreover, Maru Nazara himself is a victim of Binomo binary options, which was previously promoted by Indra Kesuma as legal, aka not gambling," he concluded.

Previously, Polda Metro Jaya had received a report from Indra Kesuma or Indra Kenz, Crazy Rich from Medan regarding the defamation of the reported person, Maru Nazara. Maru Nazara is known to be one of the victims who reported the Binomo application to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police Headquarters.

The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Zulpan explained that although his party received Indra Kenz's report, it did not necessarily mean that the reported party had committed defamation. Zulpan said that in handling Indra Kenz's report, his party would consider Maru Nazara's reporting at the National Police Headquarters.

"Indra Kenz is here to report back, yes, it is related to the ITE Law on defamation. Now, of course, investigators will look at the main case at the Bareskrim, yes. If the main case in Bareskrim is proven, of course it will be considered by investigators, so it won't be done immediately," explained Kombes Zulpan, Tuesday, February 8th.

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