West Jakarta Police Implement CFN In 8 Locations, Violators Will Be Strictly Prosecuted
Photo: Antara

JAKARTA – During the implementation of Level 3 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), the West Jakarta Metro Police enforced Crowd Free Night (CFN) in eight locations.

"There are 8 points that we will apply CFN to," said West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Commissioner Ady Wibowo, quoting Antara, Monday, February 7.

Ady Wibowo said that there were eight CFN locations, namely, Taman Sari in the Old City area, Kembangan at CNI, Tambora on KH Moch Mansyur street, Tanjung Duren on Kyai Tapa street, Cengkareng in Sedayu Mall and the Palem Lestari Ruko area.

In addition, in Palmerah, at the Bhakti 6 Street Tax Complex, Kemanggisan Village, Kebon Jeruk in Green Vill and Kalideres in Daan Mogot Mall.

Ady explained that at the eight locations, people were not allowed to carry out activities that caused crowds. This policy will take effect from 24.00 - 04.00 western Indonesia time.

Later, the police and three pillars consisting of the TNI and the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) will be deployed to guard the eight points.

Not only at CFN locations, but officers will also explore nightclubs and restaurants to conduct health protocol raids (prokes).

If there is a place that is found to have violated the Health protocol, the officer will temporarily close the place.

"We will not tolerate if there are entertainment parties who are stubborn or are desperate to open outside the specified operating hours," he said.

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