Government Purchases 6 Million Doses Of Sinovac Vaccine Ensure Safe Stock

JAKARTA - The Indonesian government, on Sunday, received six million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine purchased directly from Sinovac to ensure that vaccine stocks in the country are safe.

"All the vaccines that come will be immediately distributed to a number of areas that need it in the context of the national vaccination program, including to meet the needs of vaccination for children 6-11 years old and booster vaccines. With the smooth arrival of vaccines, the government ensures the availability of safe vaccines," said the Minister of Communications and Informatics Johnny G Plate quoted by Antara, Sunday, January 13.

The government considers the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine to be very important, especially with the booster vaccine program to increase protection for the community.

The vaccination program is being carried out intensively and massively targeting the general public in Indonesia.

In addition to giving booster vaccines, the government is also continuing to improve vaccination programs in regions, especially those where vaccination achievement is still relatively low.

By 2022, the government is targeting at least 70 percent of Indonesia's population to have received a full dose of COVID-19 vaccination.

In addition, Johnny again reminded the public to maintain health protocols so that the COVID-19 handling and control program in Indonesia can be optimal.

This was reiterated by the Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny, following the increase in COVID-19 cases due to the emergence of the Omicron mutation variant.

People who have not received the COVID-19 vaccine are also asked not to delay. "The government urges and invites people who have not been vaccinated to be vaccinated immediately to protect themselves and those closest to them." he insisted.

The Minister of Communication and Informatics also appealed to local governments to tighten supervision over the implementation of health protocols and the use of the PeduliLindung application as one of the main anticipatory strategies to stem the spread of the Omicron variant in the regions.

According to him, efforts to increase discipline in the area must go hand in hand with various anticipatory steps that have been prepared by the government to avoid the widespread spread of the Omicron variant.

"The use of the PeduliLindung application is very important as part of discipline which is the main key for us in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic," said Johnny.

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