Motorbike Odd-Even Pergub Is Asked Not To Difficult Ojol
Illustrations (Irfan Meidianto / VOI)

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan issued a Governor Regulation (Pergub) Number 80 of 2020 which also contains provisions for the application of an odd-even system for motorbikes. If the Pergub is implemented, online motorcycle taxis (ojol) ask to be excluded from the regulation.

"We, from Garda, do not have an odd-even problem with it being applied to motorbikes, but not for ojol transportation. Ojol must be excluded, such as official vehicles and public transportation, so application-based two-wheeled transportation is exempted, "said the Chairman of the Presidium of the Indonesian Guard, Igun Wicaksono, when contacted by VOI, Friday, August 21.

If the rules are applied absolutely, there is a concern that it will burden the ojol drivers. Moreover, the income of ojol drivers said Igun had not fully recovered since the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We have a new income increase of 50-60 percent from the normal scale. Because there are indeed many fields that are not yet active, as well as school children and students. So we support it if the regulations in the Pergub are odd and even motorbikes do not make it difficult for online motorcycle taxis, "said Igun.

Previously reported the provisions for the application of the odd-even system for motorbikes were regulated in a Governor Regulation concerning the Implementation of PSBB during the Transition Period Towards a Community, Healthy, Safe and Productive.

In this regulation, there are provisions for the application of an odd-even system which can also be applied to motorcyclists. It is stated that every 4-wheeled and 2-wheeled motor vehicle driver with an odd number plate is prohibited from crossing the road on the even date, and vice versa.

However, Head of DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, said that until now, the odd-even policy for motorbikes had not yet passed.

"Odd-even does not currently apply to two wheels," said Syafrin when confirmed by VOI.

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