552 Tons Of Dead Fish In Lake Maninjau, Farmers Try Processing It Into Flour So It Doesn't Contaminate The Environment
Photo via Antara

JAKARTA - The death of fish in the floating net cages (KJA) of Lake Maninjau, Tanjungraya District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra increased to 552 tons.

Head of the Agam Fisheries and Food Security Agency, Rosva Deswira, in Lubukbasung on Tuesday, said that previously, only 362 tons of fish in the volcanic lake died on Monday, December 13, and an increase of 190 tons on Tuesday, December 14, bringing it to 552 tons.

"This dead fish has increased in Nagari Koto Gadang Anam Koto by around 190 tons", he said, Tuesday, December 14, as reported by Antara.

With this addition, he added that the total dead fish in Nagari Koto Gadang Anam Koto was 200 tons, because previously it was only 10 tons.

Other fish deaths were spread in Nagari Tanjung Sani with 50 tons, Nagari Koto Kaciak with 300 tons and Nagari Koto Malintang with two tons.

"The number of dead fish is around 552 tons in the four nagari or traditional villages since a few days ago. Fish deaths due to oxygen decreased in the lake after rain and strong winds hit the area", he said.

He added that some farmers in Koto Gadang Anam Koto harvest early to reduce losses.

The harvested fish are ready to be harvested and they are immediately packed to be sent to the traditional market.

While the carcasses of dead fish are not dumped into the lake.

"Farmers are very concerned about the environment, so fish carcasses are not thrown into the lake. Meanwhile, fish carcasses in the waters of the area are shipments from other areas", he said.

Dead fish can be processed into flour. However, the processing technology has not been able to because the fish fat in Lake Maninjau is quite high.

Under these conditions, dead fish cannot be processed into flour. While the tools to process flour already exist.

"In the future we will try how fish can be processed into flour in minimizing pollution of lake water", he said.

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