Appeal From The Chairman Of The Organizing Committee Of The Congress: NU Citizens Don't Need To Come Directly To Lampung
Chairman of PBNU as well as Chairman of the Committee of the 34th NU Congress Muhammad Imam Azis.ANTARA/HO-Committee of the 34th NU Congress.

JAKARTA - The Head of the Organizing Committee for the 34th NU Congress, Muhammad Imam Aziz, appealed to all NU residents not to flock to Lampung to witness the congress in person.

"The appeal for NU residents is not to travel to witness the 34th NU Congress in Lampung," said Imam Aziz in a written statement in Jakarta, Sunday.

Imam Aziz emphasized that the appeal was conveyed to NU residents in order to avoid mass concentration at the center of the NU Congress.

The appeal was conveyed considering that it has become a tradition at every congress, NU residents are often enthusiastic to attend, even if it is just to enliven and "galap blessings" for the ulama.

According to him, NU residents can still watch the congress event through live streaming.

"The committee will provide 'live streaming' to watch online," said Imam Aziz.

Imam Azis said the NU Congress committee would implement strict health protocols for all congress participants, including having been vaccinated twice, conducting antigen swab tests for arrival and departure, and avoiding crowds.

"The committee asks for prayers so that the congress runs smoothly and safely," said Imam Aziz.

The 34th NU Congress in Lampung on 23-25 December 2021 raised the big theme "One Century of NU: Independence in Service for World Civilization".

The committee has prepared four main locations for the NU Congress, namely Darussa'adah Islamic Boarding School, Gunungsugih, Central Lampung, Raden Intan UIN, Malahayati University, and Lampung University (Unila) in Bandar Lampung.

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