Minister Of Administrative And Bureaucratic Reform: ASN Proven Social Assistance Is Subject To Disciplinary Sanctions
Menpan-RB Tjahjo Kumolo/PHOTO VIA ANTARA

JAKARTA - Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) Tjahjo Kumolo stressed that state civil servants (ASN) who are proven to have abused their authority by receiving social assistance will be subject to disciplinary sanctions and must return the aid money.

"If it is proven, then disciplinary sanctions can be given, including the refund of the social assistance money," Tjahjo said in a written statement quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 18.

Tjahjo said that the disciplinary sanctions that can be applied to ASN recipients of the social assistance are based on Government Regulation Number 94 of 2021 concerning Civil Servant Discipline.

"In the event that it is proven that the civil servant in question has abused his authority to gain personal and/or other people's gain, then a disciplinary sentence can be given according to PP No. 94 of 2021 concerning Discipline of Civil Servants," he said.

In addition, Tjahjo also asked the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini to conduct a complete investigation of ASN who were proven to have received social assistance, both the Family Hope Program (PKH) and Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT).

"To give disciplinary punishment to the said civil servant, the Minister of Social Affairs must have complete data on the name, NIP (employee identification number) and agency, to then be reported to the respective PPK so that an investigation is carried out on the person concerned," he said.

Although it is not specifically regulated, continued Tjahjo, basically ASN gets a steady income from the Government, so it is not included in the criteria for receiving social assistance.

“Basically, ASN is a government employee who has a fixed income, salary and allowances from the state. Therefore, ASN is not included in the criteria for implementing social welfare," he said.

Previously, Tri Rismaharini said tens of thousands of ASN were suspected of receiving PKH and BPNT social assistance.

"So, after we submitted the data to the BKN (State Civil Service Agency) it was recorded which indicated that there were 31,624 civil servants (PNS)," said Risma.

From this data, 28,965 people are recorded, of whom are civil servants who are still active and the rest are retirees.

Risma said ASN did not have the right to receive social assistance because it did not meet the Ministry of Social's criteria, namely having a permanent job.

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