Four Days Passed, 9-Year-Old Boy Who Drifted In BKT Still Hasn't Been Found
Gulkarmat officers monitored BKT in search of the missing 9 -year -old child since November 1 / Photo: IST

JAKARTA - The fourth day of searching for AB, a 9-year-old boy who was swept away in the East Flood Canal (BKT), Pondok Kopi, East Jakarta, has not yielded any results.

Head of the Ops Section of the East Jakarta Fire and Rescue (Gulkarmat) Sub-dept., Gatot Sulaeman, said the search would continue and continue tomorrow.

"The victim has not been found. The search for victims is carried out from the East Flood Canal (BKT) of Pondok Kopi to BKT Ujung Menteng," he told reporters, Thursday, November 4.

Since it was getting late at night, the joint evacuation team will continue the search on Friday, November 5, tomorrow.

"The search for victims has been stopped and will continue tomorrow," he said.

Meanwhile, in the search for victims, his party deployed 1 light rescue car with 5 personnel.

Previously, AB (9), a resident of Pondok Kopi Village, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta, was swept away in a water channel when it rained heavily on Monday, November 1.

Head of Platoon Company C Fire Fighting Sector Duren Sawit, Basith Hanafi, said that the crew was swept away in a water channel near SDN 08 Pondok Kopi.

"According to his parents, the victim was washed away while playing in the rain with his friends at around 14:00 WIB," he told reporters, Monday, November 1.

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