Association Of Promoters Expect Government Subsidies For Venue And Licensing Rental Fees
Concert illustration (Instagram @maroon5)

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Music Promoter Association (APMI) through an official Instagram account, informed the audience held with the Ministry of Tourism on Wednesday, December 4 yesterday the day after tomorrow.

In the upload, APMI conveyed what was hoped for, one of which was government assistance in the form of subsidies for rental fees and concert permits.

The uploaded photo shows Dino Hamid as Chair and several APMI administrators meeting with the Minister of Tourism, Widiyanti Putri Wardhana and Deputy Minister of Tourism, Ni Luh Putu.

"This discussion discussed efforts made by promoters and the Ministry of Tourism in supporting and successful music performances in Indonesia on an international scale to attract more foreign tourists," wrote APMI in the upload statement.

It was stated that the focus of this audience was aimed at an event that highlighted Indonesia's cultural wealth and intellectuality to attract foreign tourists.

In this case, APMI also hopes for government support in seeking successful music performances in Indonesia as well as the impact of the economy that occurs.

At the end of the upload, APMI outlined three points that it hoped for: including collaboration between the government and promoters, regarding venues and supporters, as well as the importance of certification of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Regarding the collaboration between the government and promoters, APMI hopes that there will be an increase in cooperation to minimize potential problems and improve the quality of events that are deemed beneficial for the performance ecosystem.

Then regarding the venue and its supporters, APMI asked for government support in the form of subsidies for large rental fees such as stadiums, as well as licensing costs.

At the last point regarding certification, APMI emphasized the need for ISO certification for international events to avoid sudden cancellations and increase professionalism.

They also asked for routine discussions and the formation of a special team to handle ISO.

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